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Which exchange rate will I get?
Which exchange rate will I get?
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Written by Safello
Updated over 10 months ago

For buy and sell orders, we calculate your exchange rate by including a spread from our liquidity providers, which is adjusted based on current market conditions, liquidity, volatility, and the size and type of your order. An estimated exchange rate is presented to you when placing an order to buy or sell cryptocurrency, this exchange rate reflects the best real-time exchange rate available for Safello, including the additional spread for buy and sell orders, and therefore only serves as an estimated exchange rate for the transaction.

For swap orders (exchanging from one cryptocurrency to another), we calculate your exchange rate based on the exchange rate from our liquidity providers, which varies depending on current market conditions, liquidity, order size, and order pair. When you place your order, an estimated exchange rate is displayed. This exchange rate is the best available exchange rate for Safello in real-time, and therefore only serves as an estimated exchange rate for the order.

The final exchange rate, for buy, sell and swap orders, at which your transaction is actually carried out is not determined until the transaction is executed with Safello’s liquidity providers, and may therefore be higher or lower than the estimated exchange rate when the transaction was initiated (and consequently have a positive as well as a negative impact on the price).

The exchange rate at which your transaction is actually carried out is set out on your receipt of the transaction. Due to the high price volatility of cryptocurrencies in combination with the time it takes to process and execute a transaction, there’s always a risk that the actual exchange rate significantly deviates from the estimated exchange rate.

As Safello can’t guarantee the exchange rate, customers bear the risk that the exchange rate is higher or lower than indicated when initiating the transaction and there is no possibility to reverse or refund orders due to such deviations. However, if the deviation is significant and the order has not yet been placed with Safello’s liquidity providers, the customer will be asked to re-confirm the execution of the order in accordance with Safello’s terms of service.

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